Update on Life

Hey everyone!

I know it has been a long time since I've last blogged, but as with everything that's meant to be, I've felt a pull back towards this blog which was my original blogging venture! Since then, I've blogged and written for several other entrepreneurs and clients. I've started a VA (virtual assistant) firm, and I also blog for that business as well (theproassists.com). I attempted to start another blog for students who want to learn more about freelancing along (virtualworkforstudents.com) and I've had to put that project on hold for a while. I'm graduating from college in less than a week (yay!) and I've started working full time as a legal assistant for a Fortune 500 Company. Overall, what I'm trying to say is that I've come a long way folks! As I approach the new year with anxiety, anticipation, and feverish hope I can't help but to look back and to take account of all I've done, including the start of this blog.

I have so much that I want to accomplish in the coming years, including making this blog an excellent one, applying to law school (more blog posts on the LSAT and applying coming soon!), become more fit, and to become a better entrepreneur.

I'd like to think that my writing skills have improved immensely (practice makes perfect!), and would like to continue with this blog, but with a twist. I would like to transform this blog by making it more organized, while expanding on the topics. I even have a goal of learning how to code next year so stay tuned for a new website!

The name of the blog will be Balanced Lady and it will focus on my life while also giving inspirational and self help advice. The following topics will be written on:

  • Fitness
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Life Inspiration
  • Law School 
  • Coding 
  • Writing
Among many others so stay tuned!

Love & Kisses



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