How to Become 70% Better in One Year

We all create New Year’s resolutions and goals because as human beings we have this innate drive to become better and better. It is the bane of our existence and the driving force behind evolution. Today I was inspired by an article posted by entrepreneur week 2013 that can be found here. It was an article giving a tip for businesses to increase their user experience by making 1 simple improvement a week. If that one simple improvement causes a 1% increase in user satisfaction, this would lead to a 70% increase in user satisfaction yearly which would lead to sales doubling or tripling in profit.

            I’m all about self-improvement so I created the Once a Week Challenge. All you have to do is make one simple change in your life every week. This could be eliminating fast food from your diet or committing to saving $25 a week. It could be anything that wouldn’t take up too much space in your life but will also make you a better person for it.
            Just think of yourself like a business in which you are the user and your life are the profits. So changing one thing a week not only will increase self-satisfaction but you will gain 2-3x more of your life!
            I will post one change on my blog every week that I participated in. Feel free to join in the challenge with me at any time.

Life is about enjoying the journey not arriving at the destination. 


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